字典網>> 漢英字典>> X開頭詞條>>雄的的英文翻譯


拼音:xióng de


buck; male


1.masculine  2.jack  


  1. 不錯!紀年抗日英雄的很好東東!
    Not bad!Good thing of anti-Japanese hero!
  2. 墓碑的重見天日仿佛講述著英雄的戰鬥事跡,這塊墓碑也將永遠立在人民心中。
    They also set up a tombstone as a memorial for future visits.
  3. 在電視辯論中決一雌雄的政界敵手
    Rival politicians shooting it out in a television debate
  4. 讚頌,頌揚對神、統治者或英雄的頌揚或褒獎
    The extolling or exaltation of a deity, ruler, or hero
  5. 李先生是高雄的一家化學工廠的一個重要人物。
    Mr Li is an important person at a chemical factory in Kaohsiung
  6. 敏捷提升英雄的攻擊頻率。
    Agility increases the attack rate of Heroes.
  7. 表明他是個英雄的勇氣
    the courage that stamped him as a hero
  8. 勞動英雄的稱號, 他當之無愧。
    He is worthy of the title of labour hero.
