拼音:xīn zhèng 英文解釋:
【經】 new deal中文解釋:
新的政策參預新政。——清· 梁啓超《譚嗣同... >>
查看“新政”在國語詞典中的解釋 相關詞條:
theNewDeal 2.
NEP 例句:
- 在新政權下,事情將會發生變化。
Things will change under the new regime.
- 新政府對他們懷有敵意。
The new government was hostile to them.
- 新政府上台後,我們有幾個計畫被砍掉了。
Several of our plans got the axe when the new government came in.
- 從經濟方面來說,新政是羅斯福政府的一種企圖,想藉此擺脫1929-1933年的嚴重經濟危機。
Economically speaking the New Deal was an attempt on the part of the Roosevelt government to pull the United States out of the great economic crisis of1929-1933.
- 新政府的主要任務是減低通貨膨脹的水平。
The new government's prime task is to reduce the level of inflation.