- 韋恩美國新澤西州北部市鎮,位於帕特森以西。是製造業中心。人口47,025
A town of northern New Jersey west of Paterson. It is a manufacturing center. Population, 47,025.
- 霍索恩美國新澤西州東北部一自治村鎮,位於帕特森東北偏北。主要為住宅區,有多種輕工業。人口17,084
A borough of northeast New Jersey north-northeast of Paterson. It is primarily residential with varied light industries. Population, 17,084.
- 美國東北部美國東北的地區,大致包括新英格蘭州,紐約,有時也包括賓夕法尼亞州和新澤西州
A region of the northeast United States, generally including the New England states, New York, and sometimes Pennsylvania and New Jersey.
- 麥迪遜美國新澤西州東北部的一個自治村鎮,位於莫里斯鎮的東南部。是主要的居民區。人口15,850
A borough of northeast New Jersey southeast of Morristown. It is mainly residential. Population, 15,850.