拼音:xīn wén jì zhě英文翻譯
a gentleman of the press; journalist; newshawk; newsman; pressman; ragger
1.gentlemanofthepress 2.
newspaperman 3.
newsman 4.
newshound 5.
newshawk 6.presscorrespondent 7.
ragger 8.
pressman 9.agentlemanofthepress 10.cubreporter 11.newswriter 12.
gazetteer 13.newspaperreporter 14.
newshawk 例句:
- 只有幾個新聞記者獲準進入會場。
Only a few journalists were allowed inside.
- 這位新聞記者用打字機迅速地打出一篇報導,趕上在報紙的上午版上刊出。
The journalist beat out a story in time for the morning edition.
- 新聞記者過著緊張興奮的生活。
The journalist lead a hectic life.
- 他向新聞記者講了這次談話的情況,卻不願把實況錄音磁帶放給他們聽。
He told the newspapermen about the conversation, but would not play them the actual tape of it.
- 新聞記者都要訓練成有敏銳觀察力的人。
Journalists are trained to be observant.
新聞記者的意思 採訪和
新聞的報刊、廣播電台、電視台專職人員。 章炳麟 《論承用“維新”二字之荒謬》:“自茲以後,三段之文,五旌之教,願以是遍 * 八面論師、新聞記者矣。”
老舍 《龍鬚溝》第三幕第二場:“