拼音:xīn shuǐ英文解釋:
emolument; pay; salary; wage【經】 stipend
(1) ∶採薪汲水;泛指日常生活的必需條件取了兩封銀子,給駱龍以為貼補薪水之用。... >>查看“薪水”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.paypacket 2.pay 3.emolument 4.screw 5.paycheck中英例句:
- 他的薪水比起全國平均水平高出很多。His salary vis-a-vis the national average is extremely high.
- 這種工作責任重大,這份薪水夠高嗎?Is this a realistic salary for such a responsible job?
- 有人要給我一份更好的工作,但薪水較低--我很為難,不知如何是好。I've been offered a better job but at a lower salary I'm in a quandary about what to do.
- 我薪水的大部分都用來付房租了。Most of my salary goes on/in (paying) rent.
- 她靠那麽一點兒薪水怎么過活?How does she get by on such a small salary?
- 這份工作唯其薪水尚可彌補一切之不足。The sole redeeming feature of this job is the salary.
- 依我看,雖然教師們薪水不高。From my point of view, teachers are not well paid.