拼音:xīn shēng英文解釋:
aspirations; thinking【醫】 heart-sound
(1) (2) 心裡的話,真誠的意願(3) 指思想感情與文采 >>查看“心聲”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
- 我真後悔當初沒有好好待她……”這是紅紅的心聲。I am extremely regretful that I was not nice to her…” said Hong Hong.
- 這反映了全國要求改革的心聲。This gives expression to the national aspirations for reforms.
- 民眾心聲的公眾展示。a public display of group feelings.
- 依據我多年來對死亡兒童父母心聲的傾聽。我們去和那個孩子談談吧。DET. CHRIS CAVALIERE: Years of listening to the parents of dead children.
- 我想這也是大部份國際學生的心聲吧!It should be the heartfelt wishes of all the international students.
- 我們的報紙代表著人民的心聲.Our newspaper represents the voice of the people.
- 言為心聲。Speech is the index of the mind.
- 表達青年的心聲voice the aspirations of the young people