拼音:xīn mù 英文解釋:
memory; mental view; mood中文解釋:
(1) ∶內心吾心目中。——清· 梁啓超《... >>
查看“心目”在國語詞典中的解釋 相關對話:
- 你舉止粗俗,有損你在大家心目中的形象。
By your rudeness you've cheapened yourself in everyone's opinion.
- 高山的雄偉壯麗不能不在我們心目中留下深刻的印象。
We could not help being impressed by the majesty of the lofty mountains.
- (人、物之)美出自觀者之心目。
Beauty is a matter of individual taste or judgement.
- 主席拒絕進行投票表決後,他在我心目中的威信就降低了。
The chairman fell in my opinion after he refused to take a vote
- 在我的心目中, 他還是個孩子。
To my mind, he was still a child.
- 那個候選人自從最近作了一次講演以後在公眾心目中的地位提高了。
That candidate has come up in the public opinion since his last speech.