拼音:xīn líng de 英文解釋:
interior; psychic; psychological相關詞條:
psychical 2.
inward 中英例句:
- 健全的體魄是心靈的客舍;病弱的身體是心靈的牢獄。
A healthy body in the guest-chamber of soul; a sick, its prison.
- 時代的超越依賴於心靈的超越,心是的超越也必然要落實到時代的超越上才有意義。
It makes sense only when the transcendence of soul fixes on that of times.
- 損人利己是否是人心靈的主宰?
Is aggression an essential part of the human psyche?
- 讀一本好書可以帶來心靈的淨化。
Reading a good book may bring purification to souls
- 眼睛是心靈的鏡子。
The eyes are the index of the mind.
- 愚蠢的始終如一是渺小心靈的妖怪。
A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin o f little minds