拼音:xīn lái zhě 英文解釋:
arrival; comer; incomer; newcomer相關詞條:
rawheel 漢語造句:
- 先來廠的工人總喜歡編造廠長脾氣如何暴躁的故事來戲弄新來者。
The older workers always enjoy stringing the newcomers with stories about the director's hot temper.
- 這些新來者準備承擔一部分我們突然間感到很沉重的那些負擔嗎?
Are the newcomers prepared to shoulder some of the burdens which we have suddenly discovered to be oppressive?
- 除了我他們大部分都是新來者。
They are almost all newcomers except me.
- 伊莉莎白在班納特家姑娘中是最活潑、最聰慧的一位,她無意中聽到這位新來者十分高傲地貶評當地庸俗的社交界。
Elizabeth Bennet, the liveliest and most intelligent of the Bennet girls, overhears the newcomer making condescending remarks about the local provincial society.