字典網>> 漢英字典>> X開頭詞條>>辛苦地的英文翻譯


拼音:xīn kǔ dì


hard; hardy


1.labouriously  2.laboriously  3.hardie  4.toilsomely  


  1. 夏天過得十分緩慢,而奴隸們卻辛苦地做著苦工。
    The summer dragged its slow length along, while the slaves toiled at their hard tasks.
  2. 我父親辛苦地工作為了養家。
    My father works hard in order that he may support us.
  3. 勞倫斯為了一點微薄的收入而辛苦地工作。
    Lawrence fags away for a pittance.
  4. 他已在熱火爐旁辛苦地工作3小時了。
    He has been slaving over a hot stove for three hours
  5. 謝謝你不辭辛苦地幫助我們。
    It was good of you to take the trouble to help us.
  6. 非常辛苦地嘗試著做某事。
    try very hard to do something.
  7. 對你不辭辛苦地為我的來訪安排日程深表謝意。
    Thank you for taking all the trouble to arrange the schedule for my visit.
  8. 苦心經營;辛苦地
    Be at pains to do sth.
