拼音:xīn jì 英文解釋:
calculation; planning; scheming中文解釋:
計謀,心裡的盤算這個年輕人做事很有心計二子心計。——明&... >>
查看“心計”在國語詞典中的解釋 相關對話:
- 班級野餐委員會精心計劃了海灘交誼會,但是他們沒有料到天氣的突然變化。
The committee for the class picnic party made careful plans for a beech party but they reckoned without a sudden change in the weather.
- 諮詢公司與ABC公司合作,印象中此公司值得信賴。該公司董事長式於心計。
Inquire firm work jointly with abc company impression quite reliable president rather calculating.
- 她看到另一個女人眼中閃現冷厲而有心計的目光。
She caught a coolly calculating glint in the other woman’s eye
- 涉及有心計的歹徒或者冒險家,特別指一種小說樣式。
involving clever rogues or adventurers especially as in a type of fiction.
- 精心計劃一下,你就能減少育兒的花銷。
With careful planning you may be able to cut the cost of your childcare.
- 愚人常短於心計。
A fool always comes short of his reckoning
- 純真的,無邪的缺乏老練或世俗的;無心計的
Lacking in sophistication or worldliness; artless.