拼音:xīng xīng 英文解釋:
fires of heaven; star; the eyes of night; tiny spot
(1) ∶夜晚天空中閃爍發光的天體(2) ∶細而小的點兒 >>
查看“星星”在國語詞典中的解釋 相關詞條:
firesofheaven 2.
lamp 3.
star 4.
eyeofheaven 5.
theeyesofnight 6.
heavenlyfires 例句:
- 太陽、月亮和星星都是天體。
The sun, moon and stars are heavenly bodies.
- 天空中有無數的星星。
There are numberless stars in the sky.
- 天上星星出來了。
Overhead the stars were out.
- 你在夜晚可以看到星星,白天卻看不到。
You can see stars by night, but not by day.
- 天上有無數的星星。
There are countless stars in the sky.
- 星星在晴朗的夜空閃亮。
Stars are brilliant in the clear night sky.
- 夜空中的星星數不清。
The stars in the night sky are innumerable.