拼音:xīng wàng英文解釋:
blossom; flourish; thrive; upbeat【經】 thrive
繁榮;欣欣向榮 >>查看“興旺”在國語詞典中的解釋中英例句:
- 沒有良好的經營管理,事業就不會興旺發達。A business will not thrive without good management
- 槽頭興旺a manger full of sturdy livestock
- 過去三年一直是公司的興旺時期。The last three years have been a good season for the company
- 興旺的生意a thriving business
- 興旺的大農場a bonanza farm
- 隨著重大新市場的建立,經濟越來越興旺。With the establishment of major new markets, the economy is thriving.
- 要引導人們向興旺的道路走。We should guide people along the path of progress.
- 他經營著興旺的事業。He is running a prosperous business