拼音:xìng qù英文解釋:
interest【計】 interests
興致,對事物喜好或關切的情緒我對音樂特別感興趣 >>查看“興趣”在國語詞典中的解釋中英例句:
- 我起初很喜歡他的想法,然而現在我已不太感興趣了。I liked his idea at first, but now I have cooled down.
- 但那些名設計師們似乎都對購買我的作品毫無興趣。But none of the famous fashion designers seemed interested in buying them.
- 我對上網很感興趣.I am/get excited about surfing the Internet.
- 你認為學生會對這些現代哲學思潮感興趣嗎?Do you think the students will plug in to these modem philosophy trend?
- 沒有想要了解某事物的注意或者興趣。having no care or interest in knowing.
- 幹嘛這麽麻煩呢?我沒有興趣。Why bother? I am not interested.
- 能引起興趣或好奇心的。capable of arousing interest or curiosity.
- 馬克:今晚有興趣參加爵士音樂節嗎?Mark: Would you be interested in going to the Jazz Festival?