拼音:xíng qiè英文解釋:
housebreaking; thieve中文解釋:
偷盜 >>查看“行竊”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.theft 2.burglarious漢語造句:
- 那陌生人被當作入宅行竊者被轟走了。The stranger was run off as a housebreaker.
- 那陌生人被當作入宅行竊者被轟走了。The stranger was run off as a housebreaker
- 在商店連番行竊之後,她惶恐終日,害怕給人發現。After her shoplifting spree she lived in mortal dread of being found out.
- 飢餓使他不得不行竊。Hunger reduced him to steal.
- 我們還在追捕昨天在你店裡行竊的那個人。We are still after the man who broke into your shop yesterday.
- 被控嚴重罪名、入店行竊之罪Face serious charges, a charge of shoplifting