字典網>> 漢英字典>> X開頭詞條>>刑法的英文翻譯 “刑法”的日文翻譯


拼音:xíng fǎ


criminal law
【法】 criminal code; criminal law; crown law; jus criminale; penal law
punitive law


關於犯罪和刑罰的法律規範的總稱 >>查看“刑法”在國語詞典中的解釋


  1. 洗錢罪是新刑法增設的一個新罪名。
    The crime of money-laundering is a new accuse in New Criminal Law
  2. 刑法解釋論上對傷害“胎兒”行為的探討
    Discuss on the Nature of Injury to Infant from Criminal Explanatory Aspect
  3. 刑事的與刑法實施有關的
    Relating to the administration of penal law.
  4. 關於刑法條文規定的過失犯罪的認定
    On Affirmance of Negligent Crimes Prescribed in Provisions of Criminal Law
  5. 洗錢罪是新刑法增設的一個新罪名。
    The crime of money-laundering is a new accuse in New Criminal Law.
  6. 刑法中的事實錯誤
    On Mistake of Fact in Criminal Law
  7. 論英美刑法犯罪故意觀
    On Criminal Intention Theory in Anglo-Amencan Crinrinal Law
  8. 根據刑法規定,謀殺可判死罪。
    According to the criminal law murder can is a capital offence
