glad; happy中文解釋:
欣 xīn 快樂,喜歡:欣欣(a.高興的樣子,如“欣欣而來”;b.草木生機旺盛...>>查看“欣”在國語字典中的解釋
- 我在農場度過了愉快的一周,成天無所事事,只是吃飯、睡覺、欣賞風景,更讓人難以忘懷的是觀賞那絢麗多彩的日落。I spent a happy week in the farm with nothing to do but eat and sleep and enjoy the scenery-and crowning it all, glorious sunset.
- 歡欣,喜悅,高興強烈的喜悅,尤指狂喜或歡騰的喜悅Intense and especially ecstatic or exultant happiness.
- 我對我一生的事業十分滿意,現在退休甚為欣慰。I feel I've had an excellent run for my money (ie a rewarding career) and now I'm happy to retire.
- 他看起來很高興,甚至可以說歡欣雀躍。He looked happy, even gay.