拼音:xǐ jù yǎn yuán英文解釋:
comedian; comic; funster相關詞條:
1.gagger 2.comic相關對話:
- 兩名喜劇演員接著上場使觀眾輕鬆一下(如雜耍演出中)。Two comedians followed (eg in a variety show) by way of light relief.
- 他這個喜劇演員[演喜劇]沒人能比得上。No one can touch him (ie He is the best) as a comedian/in comedy.
- 那個喜劇演員逗得觀眾笑得前仰後合。The comedian had the audience folding up.
- 那個喜劇演員非常滑稽。The comedian is very comical.
- 那個喜劇演員講的笑話把人們都逗笑了。The comedian tickled the crowd with his jokes.