- 她與襲擊者扭打而他卻逃走了。
She grappled with her assailant but he got away.
- 她與襲擊者扭打,而她丈夫卻逃走了。
She grappled with her assailant but her husband got away.
- 她奮力與襲擊者搏鬥。
She wrestled with her attacker.
- 追趕的軍隊連襲擊者的影子都找不著了。
The pursuing troops failed to find a trace of the raiders
- 追趕的軍隊連襲擊者的影子都找不著了。
The pursuing troops failed to find a trace of the raiders.
- 她講了襲擊者是如何拔出刀子抵住她喉嚨的。
She told how the attacker drew a knife and held it up to her throat.
- 喬迅速抓起一根棍子,朝他的襲擊者打去。
Joe caught up a stick and struck out at his assailant
- 趕走襲擊者;打消失敗的念頭
Drove the attackers away; drove out any thought of failure.