拼音:xī jìng 英文解釋:
path; way
路徑;辦法築蹊徑。——《晏子春秋》將原先王,本仁義,則禮... >>
查看“蹊徑”在國語詞典中的解釋 相關對話:
- 油價另闢蹊徑來降低費用。
Gas prices bring on new ways to cut corners.
- 對某問題別闢蹊徑的處理方法
A new and refreshing approach to a problem
- 然而,減少二氧化碳的排放量則需另闢蹊徑。
Reducing emissions of carbon dioxide, however, is another matter.
- 你必須獨辟蹊徑。
You must develop a new style of your own
- 他別開蹊徑十分稱心如意。
His new-found prosperity sits well on him, ie suits him well.
- 馬丁決定辭了工作,獨辟蹊徑當作家。
Martin decided to quit the job to strike out on his own as a writer.
- 你必須獨辟蹊徑。
You must develop a new style of your own.