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拼音:xī jìn




用呼吸的方法吸入以在吸進的空氣中增加氧的百分比為目的 >>查看“吸進”在國語詞典中的解釋


  1. 通風器吸進許多新鮮空氣。
    The ventilators draw in plenty of fresh air.
  2. (我需要買各口罩,因為騎機車時慧吸進很多灰塵。)
    I need to buy a mask because I inhale a lot of dust when riding my scooter.
  3. 我們抬起頭, 吸進新鮮、乾淨的空氣。
    We lifted our heads to breathe in the fresh, clear air.
  4. 我們每天吸進氧氣,呼出二氧化碳。
    We breathe in oxygen and breathe out carbon dioxide every day.
  5. (我需要買各口罩,因為騎機車時慧吸進很多灰塵。)
    I need to buy a mask because I inhale a lot of dust when riding my scooter
  6. 希望我的最後一口氣能夠通過菸斗吸進來,然後呵成雙關語。
    May my last breath be drawn through a pipe and exhaled in a pun
  7. 漩渦把水面上漂的東西都吸進去了。
    The whirlpool sucked down everything floating on the water.
  8. 深的(吸進或呼出大量空氣)
    Taking in or giving out a lot of air
