字典網>> 漢英字典>> X開頭詞條>>習慣的英文翻譯 “習慣”的日文翻譯


拼音:xí guàn


be used to; custom; habit; practice; usage; use and wont
【醫】 assuetude; habit; habituation; mores


通過實踐或經驗而適應習慣於做艱苦工作 >>查看“習慣”在國語詞典中的解釋


  1. 早起是我們應該養成的一種良好習慣
    To rise early is a good habit(which) we should cultivate.
  2. 開始習慣寒冷的天氣;過去慣常開一輛小車
    Getting used to the cold weather; was used to driving a small car.
  3. 這個老漢對這些年輕人及其習慣完全不了解。
    The old man was completely out of touch with the youngsters and their ways.
  4. 他已經聽習慣大城市的嘈雜聲了。
    His ears are attuned to the noise of a big city
  5. 處在習慣性的活躍或者精力充沛的行動之中。
    in a state of habitual or vigorous activity.
  6. 躺在床上看書的習慣
    the practice of reading in bed
  7. 財富使他習慣於奢侈。
    Wealth habituated him to luxury.
  8. 這些是美國人所特有的風俗習慣
    These are the customs peculiar to the Americans.
