拼音:xī guā英文解釋:
watermelon【醫】 Citrullus vulgaris Schrad.
一種一年生蔓生藤本植物,開淡黃色的花,葉有5-7個深裂片,為熱帶非洲原產,現已廣... >>查看“西瓜”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.sandia 2.watermelon 3.Citrulluslanatus相關對話:
- 把西瓜放在水裡激一激chill a watermelon in cold water
- 西瓜瓤the pulp of a watermelon
- 西瓜內紅外綠。A watermelon is red inside and green outside
- 說起有關老狗,小孩和西瓜酒的話題。On old dogs and children and watermelon wine.
- 「喝過西瓜酒嗎?」他問我。"Ever had a drink of watermelon wine?" he asked.
- 這種西瓜個頭兒大。This kind of watermelon is remarkable for its size.
- 華:我的頭就會脹得象個大西瓜,然後突然倒在地上。Wa: My head swells up like a watermelon and I drop dead
- 南瓜科的一個雙子葉的屬,包括西瓜。a dicot genus of the family cucurbitaceae including watermelons.