拼音:xī gān英文解釋:
blot; blot up漢語造句:
- 用拖把把潑出的牛奶吸乾淨Sponge up the spilled milk with a mop
- 用拖把把潑在地板上的湯吸乾。Sop up the spilled soup on the floor with a mop
- 吸收,吸掉用可吸收物質吸乾或吸掉To soak up or dry with absorbent material.
- 她用海綿將潑出的牛奶吸乾了。She sponged up the spilt milk.
- 他用乾淨的吸墨紙吸乾墨水。He blotted the wet ink with a clean blotter
- 請用拖把把水吸乾。Please sop up the water with a mop
- 地毯把血吸乾了。The carpet soaked up the blood.
- 地面吸乾了雨水。The ground soaked up the rain.