拼音:xī fú 英文解釋:
Western-style clothes中文解釋:
西洋人穿的衣服樣式;亦特指男子的西式上衣、背心和褲子 >>
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Westernstyleclothes 中英例句:
- 我沒有適合那種場合的禮服,也許穿深色西服還行吧?
I have no formal clothes for the occasion. Perhaps I can get by in a dark suit?
- 做一套西服需要多少料子?
Combien de tissu faut-il pour un complet?
- 他把那些灰色和紅褐色的舊西服都扔掉了。
He threw out his old suits, all in shades of grey and reddish-brown.
- 開斯米呢一種西服用平紋或斜紋羊毛料
A plain or twilled woolen cloth used for suits.
- 我覺得穿這身西服太講究了--別人全都穿牛仔褲!
I feel rather overdressed in this suit everyone else is wearing jeans
- 清理房間;洗淨西服
Clean a room; clean a suit