拼音:xī fāng 英文解釋:
west; westward
(1) ∶西邊或西邊的地方(2) ∶指位於西半、北半球的國家。指歐美各國 >>
查看“西方”在國語詞典中的解釋 相關詞條:
Occident 2.
sunset 3.
westwards 4.
westward 5.
west 6.
westerns 例句:
- 分析這些政治形勢時,應考慮到東西方關係正日趨緊張。
These political developments should be seen against a background of increasing East-West tension.
- 手繡的絲製手帕在西方市場銷路很好。
Silk handkerchiefs embroidered by hand sell well in the Western market.
- 她是位性感的西方美人。
She is a sultry western beauty.
- 西方各國對這個國家實行了嚴厲制裁。
Western nations imposed tough sanctions on the country.
- 在大多數西方國家,龍被認為是怪物。
Dragons are described as monsters in most western countries.
- 美國是一個西方國家。
America is a western country.
- 正是希臘人影響了西方人的思維。
It was the Greeks who shaped the thinking of Western man.