拼音:xié yì fēn xī 英文解釋:
【計】 protocol analysis相關對話:
- 漢字以太局部網路協定分析
The Analysis of the Chinese-Ethernet LAN Protocol
- PPI協定分析
Study of PPI Protocol
- SSL協定分析及其在Web服務套用中的改進
The Analysis of SSL and the Application on Web Server
- RIP與FSR路由協定分析
Analysis of RIP and FSR
- 基於Strand Space模型的CCITT X.509協定分析
Analysis of CCITT X.509 Based on Strand Space Model
- IMS框架體系及協定分析
Analysis of IMS Architecture and Protocols
- 使用協定分析排除登錄Win NT故障
Troubleshooting Logon Win NT with Protocol Analyzing
- 基於AAA服務的協定分析與比較
Analysis and Compare of Protocols for AAA Service