字典網>> 漢英字典>> X開頭詞條>>協商的英文翻譯 “協商”的日文翻譯


拼音:xié shāng


confer; consult; arrange; negotiate about
【經】 negotiation; treaty


為了取得一致意見而共同商量還得跟其他隊協商一下吧? >>查看“協商”在國語詞典中的解釋


  1. 政府間協商決策機制與東協的發展
    Intergovermental Decision-Making Mechanism and Devedopments of ASEAN
  2. 協商式評價在中學英文課程中的套用
    Negotiation-Based Learner Assessment in EFL Course of Middle Schools
  3. 必要時與代理協商
    Negotiate with agents on the cost if necessary.
  4. 用於協商的語體;正式接受委員會的報告。
    of a deliberative body: receive (a report) officially, as from a committee
  5. 然而薩帕特羅上任後,他迅速與加泰羅尼亞地區協商了一份新的協定。
    Yet Mr Zapatero quickly began to discuss a new deal with Catalonia
  6. 聯合國的最高協商大會。
    the supreme deliberative assembly of the United Nations.
  7. 與立法機構或者協商會議的章程和慣例一致。
    in accord with rules and customs of a legislative or deliberative assembly
  8. 這兩國的協商正在赫爾辛基持續進行中。
    B: Negotiations between the two countries are dragging on in Helsinki
