- 束帆索一種繩子或帆布帶,用來把一個卷疊的帆置於一橫木或斜桁上
A cord or canvas strap used to secure a furled sail to a yard boom or gaff.
- 穩定索,分隔索賽艇或巡邏艇上的支索,為防止斜桁的張力而用於穩定桅桿
A stay for racing or cruising vessels used to steady the mast against the strain of the gaff.
- 束帆索一種繩子或帆布帶,用來把一個卷疊的帆置於一橫木或斜桁上
A cord or canvas strap used to secure a furled sail to a yard boom or gaff.
- 升起斜桁把(桅斜桁)升過水平面
To raise(a gaff) above the horizontal.
- 束帆索一種繩子或帆布帶,用來把一個卷疊的帆置於一橫木或斜桁上
A cord or canvas strap used to secure a furled sail to a yard boom or gaff
- 單桅帆船有一個主帆、三角帆和龍骨但沒有船首斜桁的單桅小帆船
A small sloop with a mainsail, jib, and keel but no bowsprit.
- 單桅帆船有一個主帆、三角帆和龍骨但沒有船首斜桁的單桅小帆船
A small sloop with a mainsail, jib, and keel but no bowsprit