拼音:xié dài英文解釋:
carry; schlep; take along; tote【醫】 phoro-
(1) (2) 隨身帶著攜帶行李(3) 經受或容許以特定方式帶易於攜帶的負載(4... >>查看“攜帶”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.tote 2.schlepp 3.schlep 4.shlepper 5.carry 6.carryover 7.bring中英例句:
- 我們被指控非法攜帶貨物入境。We were alleged to have brought goods into the country illegally.
- 他們攜帶著武器。They were carrying weapons.
- 提燈一種可經常攜帶的裝置,帶有透明或半透明的側面以裝入和保護燈An often portable case with transparent or translucent sides for holding and protecting a light.
- 睡袋可捲起的便於攜帶的被褥,常由野營者或其他露宿的人使用A portable roll of bedding used especially by campers and others who sleep outdoors.
- 它們易於攜帶。They can readily be brought anywhere.
- 在我們國家,攜帶槍枝是違法的。It's illegal to carry guns in our country.