字典網>> 漢英字典>> X開頭詞條>>吸毒的英文翻譯 “吸毒”的日文翻譯


拼音:xī dú


drug; drug taking; freak-out; hit the pipe
【法】 drug taking


指吸食鴉片、海洛因、古柯鹼、大麻、嗎啡等毒品 >>查看“吸毒”在國語詞典中的解釋


  1. 吸毒成了他唯一的心理支柱。
    he uses drugs as a psychological crutch
  2. 很明顯,那個吸毒鬼現在需要注射一劑毒品。
    It was clear that the drughead needed a fix hight at the moment
  3. 耽溺於吸毒
    Be hung up on drugs
  4. 一些年輕人吸毒來求刺激。
    Many young people are using drugs to switch on.
  5. 事業失敗後,他吸毒成癮
    Having failed in his career, he became a thrall to drug
  6. 他的事業一落千丈,開始酗酒吸毒以尋求慰借。
    His career took a nosedive and he turned to drink and drugs for solace
  7. 一到周末,那些大學男生就喜歡喝酒吸毒,搞得精神恍惚。
    The college boys liked to get stoned every weekend.
  8. 她一個月沒吸毒, 但後來又吸起來了。
    She stopped using drugs for a month, but then relapsed
