- IL-10_(23-57)-PE40免疫毒素的製備及細胞毒活性研究
Preparation and Cytotoxicity of Immunotoxin (IL-10_(23-57)-PE40)
- MTT結果表明薑黃素對LoVo細胞具有細胞毒作用。
MTr test showed that curcumin was cytotoxic to cells.
- 毒害細胞的,細胞毒素的毒害細胞的,有關細胞毒素的或造成對細胞毒害的
Of, relating to, or producing a toxic effect on cells.
- 結果 :木犀草素的最大無細胞毒濃度為 9.75μl/ml。
RESULTS:The maximal non toxic concentration of Lut was 1∶512 (9.75μg/ml).
- Comfort義齒粘附劑的體外細胞毒性評價
In vitro Cytotoxicity Evaluation of Comfort Denture Adhesive
- SARS冠狀病毒特異性細胞毒T淋巴細胞免疫應答的研究
Cytotoxic T Lymphocyte Response Against SARS-CoV
- 阿司匹林對胃癌細胞株SGC-7901的細胞毒作用
The Cytotoxicity of Acetylsalicylic Acid on SGC-7901
- 外周血單個核細胞的抗體依賴性細胞介導的細胞毒活性檢測
Detection of ADCC in PBMC with microcolorimetric method