拼音:xì bāo英文解釋:
cell; matrix【化】 cell
【醫】 bioplast; cell; cella; cello-; cellula; cellulae; cellule; corpuscle
corpuscula; corpusculum; cyto-; kyto-; protoplast
(1) (2) 微小的通常是用顯微鏡才能看到的由半透膜與外界分開的原生質團(3)... >>查看“細胞”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.cellula 2.corpuscle 3.betacell 4.alphacell 5.deltacell 6.cellule 7.matrix(matrixesormatrices) 8.cystoblast例句:
- 潛隱體一種處於發育階段的瘧疾寄生蟲,在侵入紅血細胞之前,寄生在體內組織中A malarial parasite at the stage of development in which it inhabits bodily tissue before invading the red blood cells.
- 菲爾紹,魯道夫1821-1902德國病理學家和醫生,以他對細胞理論的貢獻和疾病研究而著名German physician and pathologist known for his contributions to cell theory and the study of disease.
- 人體的組織是由細胞構成的。Human tissue is made up of cells.
- 癌細胞可能侵襲身體的其他部分。The cancer cells may invade other parts of the body.