拼音:xī bàn qiú 英文解釋:
the Western Hemisphere中文解釋:
把地球垂直分成兩半,其中大部分位於大西洋西面並包括南、北美洲和小陸塊的那個半球 >>
查看“西半球”在國語詞典中的解釋 相關對話:
- 西半球是指南北美洲。
The Western Hemisphere refers to North and South America.
- 類似擬窮瓊鳥科的西半球的鳥類
Any of various similar New World birds of the family Icteridae.
- 與之類似的西半球的涉水禽鳥
Any of several similar New World wading birds.
- 西半球的藍灰色小鷺。
small bluish-gray heron of the westrn hemisphere.
- 西半球是指南北美洲。
The Western Hemisphere refers to North and South America.
- 一種西半球的鳥,如稻擬椋鳥和田雞
Any of several New World birds, such as the bobolink and the sora.