拼音:xià xiāng英文解釋:
go to the countryside中文解釋:
到農村去 >>查看“下鄉”在國語詞典中的解釋例句:
- 今天早上這一行人收拾行李下鄉去了。The party picked up and started for the countryside this morning.
- 今天早上這一行人收拾行李下鄉去了。The party picked up and started for the countryside this morning.
- 下鄉以來她的體重已經增加了五斤。She had laid on5 jin since she came to the countryside.
- 我們必須邀請雷德克利夫勳爵和他的夫人下鄉來參加我們的別墅社交聚會。We nust have Lord and Lady Redcliff down for our next house party.