- 瓊斯小姐:我看不清這封信!老闆的字跡太嚇人了!
Miss Jones: I can.t read it! The Boss.s handwriting is terrible!
- 不要到那家商店買計算機, 他們要價高得嚇人。
Don't buy your computer at that shop—they price them up terribly.
- 唐娜:有看,覺得有點嚇人。
Donna: Yes, I did. I found it a bit alarming.
- 他的臉色很嚇人。
His face had a frightening aspect
- 她的態度有點嚇人。
She had a slightly menacing manner
- 虛張聲勢嚇人的惡棍;經常代表行政上派別。
a swaggering tough; usually one acting as an agent of a political faction
- 別突然冒出來嚇人!
Staff: …Stop sneaking up on me like that!
- 這可真嚇人--我得喝點烈酒了。
That was a shock I need a stiff drink!