拼音:xiào zhǎng英文翻譯
schoolmaster; headmaster; president; principal
headmaster 2.
headmaster 3.rector(arrectores) 4.
preceptor 5.
principal 6.superintende 7.
warden 8.
sentimental 9.highmaster 10.headteacher 11.
principle 例句:
- 校長訓斥了那些男生。
The headmaster gave the boys a scolding.
- 校長決定開除該生以儆效尤。
The headmaster decided to make an example of the pupil and expel him from the school.
- 他被任命為那所中學的校長。
He was appointed the rector of the middle school.
- 校長已經做出對一名學生停學處分的決定。
The headmaster has made a decision of suspension of a pupil from school.
- 我們的校長是個專橫的人。
Our headmaster is a despotic person.
- 校長沒收了她的收音機。
The headmaster confiscated her radio.
- 校長說了些什麼?
What did the schoolmaster say?
校長的意思 ∶中國小的領導者 ∶大學的主要
負責人詳細解釋.古代士卒一隊之長。《管子·度地》:“請為置水官,令習水者為吏、大夫、大夫佐各一人,率部校長官佐各財足。”《史記·魏豹彭越列傳》:“於是 越 謝曰:‘臣老