拼音:xiào yǒu英文解釋:
alumnus; schoolfellow中文解釋:
學校的師生稱在本校畢業的人,有時也包括曾在本校任教職員的人 >>查看“校友”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.formerstudent 2.grad 3.alumnus[pl.alumni] 4.alumna[pl.alumnae]相關對話:
- 該校的校友現在世界各地工作。Former students of this school are now working in the four corners of the earth.
- 我們請了一位著名的校友來頒發學校的獎金。We have invited a famous former student to give away the school prizes.
- 我們每年舉行一次大學校友聯歡會。We hold an annual reunion of former students of the college.
- 約翰是他大學時的校友之一。John is one of his alumni in the university.