拼音:xiǎo tǐng 英文解釋:
cockboat; oar; skiff
(1) (2) 小型輕快的帆艇(3) 小型快速汽艇 >>
查看“小艇”在國語詞典中的解釋 相關詞條:
jollyboat 2.
ibabura 相關對話:
- 小艇一種大船上用來載運貨物或乘客的小艇,用發動機驅動或用漿划動
A ship's boat, powered by a motor or oars and used for transporting stores or passengers.
- 小艇在暴風雨中搖搖晃晃。
The boat lurched about in the storm.
- 小艇出租。
Boats for hire.
- 短槳特別用於劃獨木舟和小艇。
Paddles are used especially to propel canoes and kayaks.
- 小艇被拋到岩石上。
The boat was thrown up onto the rocks.
- 小艇結構與愛斯基摩划子相似的重量輕的小舟
A lightweight canoe that is similar in construction
- 大艇船,尤指商船上攜帶的最大的小艇
The longest boat carried by a sailing ship, especially by a merchant ship
- 座板劃手可坐在上面的橫貫小艇的座位
A seat across a boat on which a rower may sit