拼音:xiāo shòu jì lù英文解釋:
【經】 sold note相關詞條:
1.salesrecords 2.salesrecord相關對話:
- 代理人在檔案中搜尋銷售記錄。The agent search his files for a record of the sale.
- 我們的尖子推銷員每次出訪中都刷新銷售記錄。Our top sale man have set a new record for sale per call
- 代理人在檔案中搜尋銷售記錄。The agent search his files for a record of the sale.
- 你的銷售記錄如何?What was your sales record like?I was number one in my company.
- 代理人在檔案中搜尋銷售記錄。The agent search his files for a record of the sale