拼音:xiǎo shēng yì英文解釋:
dicker【經】 retail business
小本經營。 老舍 《四世同堂》十:“過日子,她極儉省,並且教她的外孫去作小生意。... >>查看“小生意”在國語詞典中的解釋漢語造句:
- 如果他想搶走我的小生意,我馬上就要氣氣他。If he tried to take over my little operation, he'd soon get a flea in his ear.
- 我現在沒有進企業上班,做點小生意。I did not go to work into the enterprise now, do bit of dicker.
- 椐我所知,你做一門小生意。I understand that you own a small business
- 他從極不起眼的小生意開始逐步建立起這家商行。He has worked this business up from small beginnings.
- IBM公司:沒有不做的小生意,沒有解決不了的大問題。IBM: No business too small,no problem too big.
- 他經營一個收益不大的小生意。He owns a small, marginal business