拼音:xiǎo piàn英文解釋:
flake; gobbet; nubbin; snippet【醫】 fasciola
1.fractionlet 2.tidbit 3.morceau 4.morceaux 5.flakelet 6.chip 7.die 8.morsel 9.titbit相關對話:
- 非常小的量,尤指食物而言;一小片A very small quantity, especially of food; a morsel.
- 那男孩在用小片的廢棄木頭製作玩具上表現出來了創造力。The boy showed ingenuity in making toys out of scraps of discarded wood.
- 將許多小片證據拼合起來構成的解釋。an interpretation formed by piecing together bits of evidence.
- 樹周圍還有一小片帶著血跡的扭打痕跡。The tigress dragged the female bear downward for a short distance
- 缺口因缺少了一小片而造成的裂口或瑕疵A crack or flaw caused by the removal of a small piece.
- 小片先生,你能給嗎)我一7?Mr. Dice, can you give)me a 7?