拼音:xiǎo niú ròu英文解釋:
1.blanquette 2.bobbyveal 3.milkveal例句:
- 那是頭等的四方小牛肉。That is number one western steer beef.
- 他把小牛肉切成肉塊。He cut the veal into cutlets.
- (微笑)這道小牛肉要多大火候,嫩一些、適中還是老一些呢?(Smiling) How do you want the beef-rare, medium, or well done.
- 小牛肉薄片中間塞滿乾酪和火腿,然後嫩煎。thin slices of veal stuffed with cheese and ham and then sauteed.
- 請給我兩薄片小牛肉。Two slices of veal, please.
- 小牛肉清淡可口不宜多加調料。Veal is too delicate for a spicy sauce
- 請給來兩份小牛肉。Please let us have two veals.