拼音:xiǎo nǎo英文解釋:
cerebella; cerebellum【醫】 cerebellum; encephalion; epencephal; epencephalon; little brain
micrencephalon; opisthencephalon; parencephalon
腦向背側突出的一個較大的部分,尤與肌肉的共濟運動和維持身體平衡有關 >>查看“小腦”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.epencephalon 2.epencephal 3.mecrencephalon 4.parencephalon 5.opisthencephalon相關對話:
- 26例小腦血管母細胞瘤臨床與CT表現Clinical and CT Signs of 26 Cases of Cerebral Hemangioblastomas
- 橋小腦角腫瘤的MRI診斷MRI Diagnosis of CPA Neoplasms
- 不要裝設可能夾住小腦袋的欄桿或床頭板。No rails or headboards that can trap a small head
- 小腦扁桃體延髓聯合畸形型164例MR診斷MR diagnosis of Arnold-Chiari malformation type I(analysis of 164 cases)
- 小腦型遺傳性共濟失調16例報告(附CT掃描分析)Report of 16 Cases of Cerebellar Hereditary Ataxia-CT Scanning Analysis
- 小腦絨球小腦後部邊緣下方的兩塊小葉之一Either of two small lobes on the lower posterior border of the cerebellum.
- 橋小腦角膽脂瘤的顯微外科治療Microsurgical treatment of cholesteatoma at cerebellum-pontine angle
- 威爾斯東南部地區一項關於遲髮型小腦共濟失調的人群調查研究Population based study of late onset cerebellar ataxia in south east Wales