拼音:xiǎo miàn bāo英文解釋:
- 漢堡包一種三明治,通常在麵包卷或小麵包中夾入這種碎牛肉餅製成A sandwich made with a patty of ground meat usually in a roll or bun.
- 奶油小麵包外面的一層朱古力都被舔光了。The chocolate coating has all been licked off the cream buns.
- 桑迪把她的頭髮梳整成(小麵包狀的)捲髮。Sandy is doing up her hair in a bun.
- 我現在要為特蕾西烤幾個小麵包。I will bake Tracy several buns now.
- 小松糕一種甜的杯狀速烤小麵包,通常要在溫熱時食用A small, cup-shaped quick bread, often sweetened and usually served warm
- 桑迪把她的頭髮梳整成(小麵包狀的)捲髮。Sandy is doing up her hair in a bun