拼音:xiǎo lù 英文解釋:
alley; bypath; footpath; footway; lane; path中文解釋:
供人行走的窄路一條石板鋪的庭園小路 >>
查看“小路”在國語詞典中的解釋 相關詞條:
footpath 2.
pathlet 3.
path 4.
sideway 5.
footway 6.
bypath 7.
alley 8.
pathway 9.
alleyway 例句:
- 那條小路(沿山坡)蜿蜒而下。
The path twisted down (the hillside).
- 那條小路就是我們這片地的界線。
The lane is the boundary of our land.
- 他們每天往返穿過叢林,已在茂密的矮叢中踩出了一條小路。
Their daily trips through the jungle have made a path in the thick undergrowth.
- 他們試圖從灌木叢中開闢出一條小路。
They tried to clear a path through the underbrush.
- 我們沿礫石小路顛簸而行。
We bumped up and down along the gravel path.
- 她駕車小心地從這條很多石頭的小路上駛過去。
She drives carefully up the rocky lane.
- 我們順著橫越田地的小路走。
We took the path across the fields.
- 我走在田間小路上。
I walked on the path of the field.