拼音:xiǎo kǒng英文解釋:
alveolus; eyelet; foramen; ostiole; pinhole; pore【計】 cell orifice
【醫】 foraminulum; stigma; stigmata; stoma; stomata
1.foramen 2.puncture 3.fenestra 4.ostiola 5.minipore 6.stoma 7.smallhole 8.ostium 9.orifice 10.pitting 11.pinholes 12.loophole 13.lacuna 14.foraminulum中英例句:
- 那麽說是你把金屬線穿過那個小孔的了,真靈巧!So you fitted that wire through that little hole there: that's very ingenious!
- 窺孔一個人們可以用來偷窺的小孔或裂縫A small hole or crevice through which one may peep.
- 胡椒瓶一種頂部有很多倒胡椒粉小孔的容器A container with small holes in the top for sprinkling ground pepper.
- 針孔,小孔用針或好象用針戳的小孔A slight puncture made by or as if by a pin.
- 有些騎腳踏車的人帶修理工具,因為他們車胎可能小孔。Some cyclists carry repair outfits because they may have a puncture.