拼音:xiǎo jìng 英文解釋:
(1) ∶狹窄的道路(2) ∶(木材)直徑小的小徑木 >>
查看“小徑”在國語詞典中的解釋 相關詞條:
lane 2.
path 3.
trail 4.
pathway 5.
xystus 相關對話:
- 這條小徑與河並排,而後穿過林子。
The path follows the river and then goes through the woods.
- 牛群踩出了一條通往池塘的小徑。
The cattle had trodden a path to the pond.
- 我看到有人正沿著花園小徑走來。
I spy someone coming up the garden path.
- 公路幹線遭水淹沒,我們只得擇鄉間小徑繞行。
The main road was flooded so we had to go round by narrow country lanes.
- 他們在碎石小徑上散步。
They went out for a walk on the gravelled path.
- 她輕快地沿花園小徑跑過來。
She came tripping down the garden path.
- 小徑在漸漸消失的光線下變得更暗了。
The path grew more obscure in the fading light.