拼音:xiǎo hái 英文解釋:
kid; babe; child
亦作“ 小孩子 ”。1.兒童;幼兒。 宋 錢易 《南部新書》戊:“﹝ 陳嶠 數... >>
查看“小孩”在國語詞典中的解釋 相關詞條:
kid 2.
bairn 3.
kinchin 4.
bantling 5.
kiddy 6.
kiddie 7.
enfant 8.
tot 9.
prattler 10.
piggywiggy 11.
tiddler 12.
moppet 13.
chit 14.
bambino 15.
babe 16.
pickin 中英例句:
- 小孩坐在媽媽的膝上。
The child sat on its mother's lap.
- 那小孩玩著新玩具真是快樂極了。
The child was in his seventh heaven with his new toys.
- 小孩跑進街道時,司機猛然煞車。
The driver stopped short when the children ran into the street.
- 她像一個渴望玩具的小孩。
She is like a child lusting for toys.
- 小孩子總是緊依著母親。
Little children always cling to their mothers.
- 小孩從船上掉進了漩渦。
The child dropped into the whirlpool from the ship.
- 他還是個小孩子。
He's still but a child.
- 小孩依賴他們的父母供給衣食。
Children depend on their parents for food and clothing.