拼音:xiǎo gū niáng 英文解釋:
filly; pullet; puss; pussy中文解釋:
(1).稱童年和少年時期的女子。《孽海花》第十四回:“聽這兩首詩意,情詞悱惻,議... >>
查看“小姑娘”在國語詞典中的解釋 相關詞條:
lass 2.
pullet 3.
filly 4.
missy 相關對話:
- 那個小姑娘像羔羊一般溫順。
The little girl is as meek as a lamb
- 卡通片強烈地吸引著那個小姑娘。
The girl was drawn to the cartoon as by a magnet.
- 那個小姑娘記得好多民歌。
The little girl knows a good many folk songs by heart
- 那小姑娘鼓起勇氣,到外面的黑暗中去了。
The small girl screwed up her courage and went outside in the drak.
- 當問這個小姑娘問題時,她慌亂起來。
When the little girl was asked a question she lost herself
- 那小姑娘用水槍向我們射(水).
The little girl squirted us with (water from) her water-pistol.
- 這小姑娘喜歡在生人面前顯示自己。
The little girl likes to make a show of herself before strangers.
- 小姑娘從籬笆上面望過來,看著我們。
The little girl looked over the fence at us.